Study after study has linked martial arts training for young children with positive traits like increased self reliance, reduced aggression, improved self-esteem and better behavior and test scores in school. Highlighting fun – this is a kids’ program after all!.Where: Find: Home / USA / Reno, Nevada / Dragon Spring Dragon Spring. View the menu, check prices, find on the map, see photos and ratings. A focus on concentration – and this has a pleasant trickle down effect to school and home life. All info on Dragon Spring in Reno - Call to book a table. Review company data for Spring Dragon in Reno.An emphasis on respect – and we practice what we preach.We always have at least two to four instructors to keep classes running smoothly and ensure we can provide individual attention even in a group setting. With small children, we recognize that student-to-instructor ratio is a big deal. Improved concentration and focusing skills.Improved confidence as they develop new skills and abilities Looking for Oriental Goods Retail near me in Reno, NV Get info about Dragon Spring & similar nearby companies offering Gift Shops, Martial Arts Supplies.Emphasis on the value of patience and taking turns.Healthy and productive way to expend energy.Designed for children ages 4 to 7, our program teaches the simplest movements and techniques with drills and games.

That’s the deal with our Little Dragons program. The basics of our martial arts curriculum presented in a kid-friendly environment.