Promising results are obtained when differentiating for portfolio and non-portfolio studies, regions, and young asset classes for ESG investing such as emerging markets, corporate bonds, and green real estate. We highlight that the positive ESG impact on CFP appears stable over time. More importantly, the large majority of studies reports positive findings. Roughly 90% of studies find a non-negative ESG-CFP relation. The results show that the business case for ESG investing is empirically very well-founded. Hence, this study is by far the most exhaustive overview of academic research on this topic and allows for generalizable statements. Through doing this, the study combines the findings of about 2,200 individual studies. Simply put, empirical research is any research whose findings are based on observable or experimentation evidence rather than through reasoning or logic alone. To overcome this shortcoming, this study extracts all provided primary and secondary data of previous academic review studies. Empirical research is a type of research whose findings or conclusions are mainly drawn from empirical or verifiable evidence rather than rationality. Thus, knowledge on the financial effects of ESG criteria remains fragmented. The largest previous review study analyzes just a fraction of existing primary studies, making findings difficult to generalize. Scholars and investors have published more than 2,000 empirical studies and several review studies on this relation since then. Very little of those studies were devoted to empirical and philosophical studies of Islamic law, probably because of the lack of familiarity.The search for a relation between environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria and corporate financial performance (CFP) can be traced back to the beginning of the 1970s. Secondly, by classifying and examining the topics of doctoral dissertation submitted to the UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in terms of those three areas of studies of Islamic law, it was found that in the last 30 years (1982-2011) out of some 836 dissertations that had been submitted to the university the highest proportion of which was on Islamic law (34, 7 %) and mostly on normative conventional Islamic laws. Firstly, it argues that the study of Islamic law is more than just the study of fiqh and usul al-fiqh it includes three broad areas of philosophy, normative studies, and empirical studies, all of which have to be studied congruently and imbalances on any part of which will constitute the challenge itself. This article offers a method of identifying and examining the challenges facing Islamic law studies in Indonesia today in two steps. Como será desenvolvido, esses temas se encontram articulados. Na segunda parte, discute-se a pertinência, abrangência ou adaptabilidade da Teoria do Reconhecimento a partir de dois pontos principais apontados pelas diversas interpretações da obra do autor: 1) a concepção individualista da autonomia e as suas implicações sobre o entendimento do papel da ação coletiva na luta pelo reconhecimento 2) as dificuldades de operacionalização teórico-metodológica do seu sistema conceitual em estudos empíricos, e ainda associadas aos parâmetros cívicos europeus, ou mesmo alemães, sobre os quais o autor constrói sua noção de normatividade. Na primeira parte do artigo é apresentado o conjunto da obra do autor, buscando evidenciar sua evolução interna e os diálogos que Honneth estabelece com seus antecessores.

O artigo propõe traçar a evolução da Teoria do Reconhecimento através da obra de seu autor, Axel Honneth, e apresentar sua recepção no Brasil acompanhada de suas críticas e interpretações. Amy Luinstra provided important material for our analysis of core labor standards, Jan Rutkowski helped with the assessment of labor market flexibility, Mi. the team of the WDR – 2005 for many useful insights. We also report some evidence of the effects of policy reforms on job creation and on the ability of workers to cope with shocks.

To what extend have macro and structural reforms in many developing countries affected the labor market? Are current policy settings in the labor market adequate to cope with the current challenges of a more dynamic but also more risky economic environment? Are there examples of successful labor reforms that have combined greater adaptability with greater workers' protection? What can labor policy do when resources are scarce and informality looms large? These are some of the questions we address in this paper by presenting an in-depth review of formal policy and institutional settings in the labor market of many developing and emerging economies.